List of searchable Lemmata
This is a list of all the searchable lemmata in the Werkstatt. Each lemma in the list is also a link that automatically searches for all occurrences of this lemma. You can also search for lemmata in the search box in the upper right section of the window.
All formulae along with the documents related to the monastic communities around Tours have been lemmatized. Many terms carry more than one lemma. For instance, the term 'habet' ('he/she/it has') can be found under the lemmata 'habeo' ('I have') and 'habere' ('to have'). The spelling of the lemmata is based on the following lexica: Der Neue Georges, Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch, Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus (= „Niermeyer“), Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis (= „du Cange“). The personal names that appear in the formulae are lemmatized according to the MGH and the name lemmata from nomen et gens ( as well as under the lemma 'Personenname'. Place names are similarly lemmatized according to the orbis latinus ( and also under 'Ortsname'. Personal and place names that do not appear in the formulae are lemmatized only under 'Personenname' or 'Ortsname' respectively.